Fourth Dimension

Gateway To The Fourth Dimension: The Hypecube As Theater

Some time ago, we launched a new department on this website to be devoted to studies of the fourth dimension. In our first entry, we met the basic figure of 4D geometry, the hypercube, or tesseract. We watched as it emerged from the familiar cube, extending into the fourth dimension.  

Now we return to the completed hypercube, to see how it can be better understood, and how it can be put to use: first, to view; and then, even to create other four-dimensional figures of whatever sort.


We begin with this model:

A model for imagining the Fourth Dimension.


We plan to mount these studies on the Fourth Dimension page of this website under the overall title Gateway to the Fourth Dimension. Part I, The Hypercube as Theater, appears today. Take a look, and let us know what you think!

Read this new article here.


These studies are all contributions  to the preparation of a book currently  in progress, “At Home n the Fourth Dimension." Art work for "At Home in the Fourth Dimension" by Anne Farrell. Model and photography by Eric Simpson. All rights reserved.


A Project For Viewing Objects In The Fourth Dimension

A new menu item has just gone up on this website, at which images will be displayed of objects in the fourth dimension. Since it is widely agreed that we are by nature incapable of seeing four-dimensional objects, something evidently needs to be said at the outset to justify this new approach.